April 23, 2024


of Microsoft the first new Windows 11 widget should make it even easier to find games coming to PC Game Pass. The widget is only available to Windows Insider testers for now and is supposed to provide a “window” into the service’s game library, letting you see recent additions and games that are departing soon.

Microsoft currently has a pretty limited selection of widgets in Windows 11, but a Game Pass widget indicates that Microsoft is testing other apps (that aren’t as boring as weather, calendar, and news). Windows 11 is supposed to support third-party widgets eventually, but adding Game Pass could be a good way to shake up the widget table for now, and it might even help push the subscription service.

The new PC Game Pass widget.
Image: Microsoft

In addition to letting you see what games are coming and going, the new Game Pass widget displays games from specific categories and provides a gateway to the Xbox app. Microsoft says it’s working on adding other features to the widget, including personalized recommendations and a way to sign in to your Xbox account and launch a recently played game.

If you’re a Windows 11 tester, you can add the Game Pass widget by opening the widget panel on your PC and then clicking the plus icon next to your user profile. From there, tap the plus icon next to Game Pass and the widget should appear on your dashboard.


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