April 24, 2024


blanket it is one of the best Wordle clones around. Some (myself included) consider it better than Wordle, mainly because there are four times as many words to guess in each game. If today’s game proves difficult, though, I have hints and answers.

If it’s your first time, here’s how to play blanket: Just start typing words. You have four five-letter words to guess and nine attempts to find them all. The problem is that you play all four words at once.

If you get a letter in the correct position for any of the four words, it will light up in green. If a word contains a letter from one of your guesses but is in the wrong place, it will appear in yellow. After you use a letter in a guess, you’ll also see on the keyboard if it’s in any of the words. You could always check out the practice games before tackling the daily puzzle as well.

Here are some tips for today blanketand here are the answers:

Quordle Hints for August 5th

  1. Word 1 (upper left) clue — a particular scent
  2. Word clue 2 (top right) — before “little fall, big rise”
  3. Word 3 clue (bottom left) — a classic Incubus
  4. Word Indicator 4 (bottom right) — a key ingredient for many baked goods
  5. There are two words with repeated letters
  6. Today’s words start with A, F, D and Y

Quordle Answers for August 5th

Spoiler alert! This is your last chance to look away before I reveal today’s one blanket answers.

And today’s words are…

I wrote these blanket I’ve been posting for a few months now and I can’t believe it took me this long to work on a Leonard Cohen reference in one of the clues. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed today’s game. I’ll have hints and answers for tomorrow’s puzzle on my blog as they become available.


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