May 12, 2024


The famous saying, “The only constant is change” is said to come from the Greek philosopher Heraclitus. While this claim may be centuries old, it could easily have been coined to describe the tech industry. And among the technologies that may soon see revolutionary changes is the one familiar staple that most of us use every day: the web.

From Web3 and blockchain technology giving users more power, to new ways to explore and “experience” goods and services, to the increasing government focus on protecting consumer data, the ways we browse, shop and interact on the web may soon to look very different. Below, 16 industry experts from Forbes Technology Council discuss the top trends they see coming to the web in the next year or two and why they’ll be so impressive.

1. Highly personalized services across all channels

Consumers increasingly expect web and mobile services to be more than just a nice front for a brick-and-mortar business. They expect a personalized, connected world where all channels deliver services in real-time, in an intelligent, personalized way. This greatly impacts operations as complex enterprises must break away from the status quo and evolve to have a fully functional end-to-end technology stack that meets consumer demand. – Udi Ziv, Ernix

2. The Metaverse

Over the next year, I see the metaverse being beautifully woven into the basic fabric of the web. Both businesses and community-focused platforms such as social media will seek to explore improving the user experience by creating more immersive, experiential ways for users to understand and interact with the value proposition they provide. – Joel Ogunsola, Pruedge Development Technologies Ltd

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3. Web3

Web3 is a game changer. As decentralized technology like blockchain comes to power, the infrastructure of the Internet, Web3, will be run by makers and users, not by “gatekeepers” like the search engines and social platforms that largely control the Web today. This change will change the way data is held—from consumers offering their data to access services, as we do today, to services offering data protection. – Sandeep Malhotra, MasterCard

4. Blockchain

A few changes are coming, but key among them is blockchain technology. As the world moves towards detailed technology-enabled democratization, blockchain is a key enabler, empowering the end user without the help of a middleman. And this power can be used not only for financial transactions, but for any transactions — enabling them to be carried out discreetly, giving the user privacy, confidentiality and control over their data and its uses at all times. – Vivek Shaurya, beGalileo

5. Improved shopping comparison tools

With rampant inflation around the world in almost every product category, I’m seeing more consumers comparison shopping. This is an obvious statement, but it will lead to more powerful comparison computers and technology on sites that don’t usually provide these services. Comparisons will not only be made with other products of the same brand. Users will also be able to compare variables such as career or life completion. How much do I value my time? Does this product bring joy and happiness? – Brad Redding, Elevate

6. Microtransactions to access content

I see a trend towards more microtransactions. The web is too siled right now and almost no one can afford multiple subscriptions for quality content behind paywalls, paid newsletters and so on. The evolution towards bite-sized content, where you pay for the one article you want to read or the one video you want to watch via micropayments (probably over the crypto rails), will unlock quality content for the masses and hopefully contribute to more complete information of the general population. – Nico Girard, OXIO

7. New Personalization Strategies

As we see the demise of the third-party cookie, it’s clear that a new and improved personalization strategy will need to be replaced. Accordingly, we’ll see new strategies for online personalization—especially in e-commerce—gain traction this year as companies aim to prioritize things like on-the-spot actions and real-time, proven preferences over demographics. – Alexandre Robicquet, Crossing Minds

8. AI Generated Content

One trend will be the use of artificial intelligence to create web content that is personalized for the individual customer. From shopping to support, this AI-generated web content will create an experience similar to having a personal concierge. Additionally, this trend will lead to the growth of AI chatbots and voice assistants, evolving the web into more conversational interactions rather than point-and-click. – Gary Nakanelua, Draft

9. “MOD-ifiable” software.

“MOD-ifiable” software is a growing trend. In the gaming industry, developers have software frameworks—MODs—that allow them to add players, levels, and worlds to their favorite games. MODs also come in cloud-based enterprise software. A web-based MOD framework unlocks, for example, the ability to import thousands of pre-built AI models and D3 visuals into popular applications such as business intelligence tools. – Mark Palmer, TIBCO

10. Custom Purchases

Markets will become regulatory. Websites collect and share vast amounts of information and have the intelligence to tailor how they interact with you based on that data. Gone will be the days when you had to identify what you wanted and find out where to get it. Instead, a bot (on your computer, phone, or car) will anticipate your needs, alert you, and explain how to address them. – Ari Kan, Bridgeline Digital

11. Creating “Meaning”.

The infrastructure and industry standards of the Web3, particularly the metaverse, are beginning to solidify. As the market matures from the “gold rush” stage, we will see a shift from immediate wealth creation to “meaning” creation. Expect to see more brands create curated cross-connect experiences that aim to humanize the time audiences spend online, not just add to it. – Lincoln Wallen, Incredible worlds

12. 3D visualization

3D visualization is becoming the biggest trend in the web world. As the web has become more accessible, users are spending more time online. However, they require immersion—3D content—to gain in-depth perception. Services like Unity, PlayCanvas and PixiJS will make it happen.​​ Using them, you can create fantastic 3D graphics, thus turning a website into a completely digital world where anything is possible. – Slava Podmurnyi, Visartech Inc.

13. Passwordless Authentication

I expect the World Wide Web to become much more secure. The commitments of Google, Microsoft and Apple to support it FIDO standard in 2023 will accelerate the availability of passwordless authentication and make it the modern standard. And then password management problems, weak passwords, credential phishing and all kinds of password-based breaches will become history. – Alexander Galkin, Competera

14. Gamification

Gamification is likely to make a huge leap across all kinds of websites as brands are desperate and trying innovative means to better engage with their customers. Those in catch-up mode will be forced to adopt basics like goals and rewards, leaderboards and so on, while leaders will start forging cross-site, non-commercial, user-centric, secure game alliances with site-agnostic rewards . – Pramod Konandur Prabhakar, Pelatro PLC

15. More Consumer Data Privacy Regulations

More states will enact measures to protect consumer data privacy. Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation and California’s consumer privacy law continue to pave the way for broader consumer data privacy practices, but substantive functionality will continue to accelerate demand for these protections. Consumers want to know that their privacy is protected while using digital services, especially now that most people operate digitally. – Stephen Ritter, Mitek Systems

16. Increased awareness of accessibility

Judging by our customers’ wish lists, accessibility awareness will continue to grow, especially in the public sector and other highly regulated industries. Ensuring that professionals with disabilities have equal access to modern technology solutions is a key requirement for building an inclusive, welcoming and compatible workplace. – Konstantin Klyagin, Redwerk


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