May 12, 2024


The government should import more immigrants because the comfortable people are losing their cheap imported maids, janitors, cooks, drivers and laborers, according to Mona Charen, policy editor of, a NeverTrump website.

Charen’s manuscript on August 3 it begins:

Postcard from America’s Great Labor Shortage: A couple arrives at the Seattle airport after a 5-hour flight and stands in line at the car rental desk. It quickly becomes clear that something is wrong. The line snakes across the garage. People are angry… There are not enough employees available to wipe, wash, fuel and process the cars.

A couple drives several hours and needs a bathroom stop. They go into a Burger King. The doors are locked. The only service is en route. Why; Lack of workers.

Maybe you’ve stayed in a hotel recently? Maid service and room service are rare. If hotels offer these services at all, they are only available upon request. About 25 percent of restaurant and hotel employees are immigrants. What could be going on here?

“This is the resentment of the Republican aristocracy,” replied Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies. She continued:

I can’t have someone make my bed every day in my hotel room! No one will come pick up my trash off the floor! No one would leave me a new chocolate on my pillow! … It’s almost comical, but he’s preaching to an ever-shrinking choir.

“Oh my god,” replied Kevin Lynn, the founder of US Tech Workers, adding:

It’s the height of arrogance that an entitled person like Mona Charen wraps up because someone isn’t there to get it for her… To think that the solution to these [workplace] The problem is bringing in more foreigners is more than just being blind.

Charen explains her plight in an Aug. 3 op-ed titled “We Need an America-First Immigration Policy”:

The migrant shortage is growing [Americans’] wages, which in turn drives up prices,” complained Charen, whose mode he’s got was helped with wealthy donors.

“That dining room set you’ve been waiting to deliver? ONE lack of of porters and truck drivers slows everything down,” he wrote.

The solution is more immigration, he said:

Those [migrant] Workers would drive trucks, administer IVs in hospitals, clean hotel rooms, pick vegetables and design software. … and care for the elderly. And, by the way, they would help lower the overall price level.

Its founding solution – bringing in immigrants to lower wages and shrink inflation – is shared by many investors. Wall Street Journaland by many Democrats.

Charen’s focus on “America First,” rather than “Americans’ First,” is noteworthy, Vaughan said. Charen and her allies “see workers as providing services, not as American citizens with a stake in their country’s future,” she said, adding:

This is an example of the classic divide on immigration between the elites in American society and the rest of Americans. The elites who benefit from immigration only want more of it. They ignore the cost to American employees – who are the majority by the way [GOP] voters — and who want to see immigration reduced because it creates unfair competition for them and is costly to taxpayers.

[Charen is] of the few who benefit from mass immigration in American society. Every policy has winners and losers, and mass immigration benefits employers and the wealthy who consume the services provided more cheaply by immigrants rather than US citizens.

Charen’s comments are “like saying ‘The beatings will continue until morale improves,'” Lin said, adding:

This is not an America First program. This is the latest agenda of the Americans. It is a corporatist agenda. It’s short-sighted, this will only lead us to less productivity and less innovation… Voters see right through that… [Trump won in 2016 because] he was the only politician in either party to talk about class warfare. And when I read a piece by an entitled elitist like Mona Charan, it reeks of class warfare.

Charen’s vision says “America is a corporate dominion. But “American” means a citizen who has not only rights but also responsibilities and expectations…and corporate power doesn’t want to have expectations of a middle-class lifestyle, job security, or pension.

Charen’s article is linked to April article at by Linda Chavez, a long term advocate cheap migrant labour. “We should open our doors wider so that those seeking asylum in the United States can come here and help fill those jobs,” said Chavez, who is board member of a rental investment company blue collar workers to other companies, incl hospitals.

Saren’s lament is also financial nonsense, Lynn said.

Americans are ready and willing to do the work — in exchange for decent wages, he said:

This nonsense about hospitals not being able to find enough people. Well, every year many thousands of US citizens or permanent residents cannot get a license at our teaching hospitals. And during the height of the covered emergency, there were calls that we asked policymakers to put these doctors to work and [employers] he wouldn’t do it. When they say there is a shortage of doctors and they need more immigrants, look on the sidelines – there are plenty of Americans there.

The so-called shortage of “STEM graduates” is also a corporate fraud, he added.

Democrats promote this myth because they work for investors, Lin said.

“We have millions of workers in America who have walked away and left the workforce,” Vaughn said. “That should be a bigger policy concern: How do we get these workers back into the workforce?”

Mining migration

Since at least 1990, the DC foundation has drawn tens of millions of legal and illegal immigrants—as well as temporary visa workers—from poor countries to serve as workers, managers, consumers, and tenants for various investors in the U.S. and Managing Directors.

This federal economic policy of Mining Immigration has tilted the free market toward investors and employers.

Inflationary policy makes it harder for ordinary Americans to get married, advance in their careers, raise families, or buy homes.

Mining migration has also slowed innovation and shrunk American productivity, in part because it allows employers to boost stock prices by using cheap labor instead of productivity-enhancing technology.

Immigration undermines workers’ rights in the workplace and widens the regional wealth gap between major Democratic coastal states and the Republican heartland and southern states. The flood of cheap labor tilts the economy toward low-productivity jobs and has driven at least ten million American men out of the workforce.

An economy based on mining immigration also drains Americans of political influence among elites, alienates young people, and radicalizes America’s democratic civic culture because it allows wealthy elites to ignore desperate Americans in bottom of society.

The economic policy is supported by progressives who wish to transform the US from a society governed by European civic culture into a progressive empire of competing, resentful identity groups. “We’re trying to become the world’s first multiracial, multiethnic superpower,” said Rohit Khanna (D-CA). he said The New York Times in March 2022. “It will be an extraordinary achievement … we will finally triumph,” he boasted.

The colonialism-like economic strategy of progressives is killing many immigrants. It exploits poor foreigners and tears apart foreign families as it exports manpower from poor countries of origin to serve wealthy US investors. This immigration policy also minimizes shareholder pressure on American companies to create beneficial and complementary trade with people in poor countries.

Business-backed immigration advocates hide this economic mining immigration policy behind a wide variety of kind explanations and theater border security programs. For example, progressives claim that the US is a “nation of immigrants,” that immigration is good for immigrants, and that the state must be renewed by replacing populations.

Polls show the public wants to welcome some immigration – but also show deep and widespread public opposition to labor migration and an influx of temporary contracts workers in jobs sought by new US graduates.

Opposition is growing, anti-establishment, multi-racial, interracial, non-racial, class-based, bi-partisan, reasonablepersistent and recognizes the solidarity that American citizens owe to one another.


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